Bendras ES/LY/YL Cempionatas ir Lauko Diena

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Užsiregistravo:2007-Rgs-09, 23:36

Standartinė ly4u » 2008-Geg-29, 23:14

Aciu visiems kad atsiliepete i pasiulyma. Sios mintys niekur nedings ir pravers ateityje.

Dristu padaryti isvada, kad siam sezonui dar nesame pasiruose tokiam zingsniui, bendraukime ir turekime ta ideja galvoje.

Taip ir parasysiu estams, ok?


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Užsiregistravo:2006-Kov-31, 10:52

Standartinė LY1GP » 2008-Geg-30, 07:12

Mano durna galva, jau beveik isvakares, o kol detales butu derinamos, tai ir visai laikas ateitu...Todel siemet bet kokiu atveju per velu. Bet uztat kitiem metam pats laikas pradeti butu...

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Užsiregistravo:2006-Bal-03, 09:51

Standartinė LY3UE » 2008-Geg-30, 08:19

ly4u rašė:Aciu visiems kad atsiliepete i pasiulyma. Sios mintys niekur nedings ir pravers ateityje.

Dristu padaryti isvada, kad siam sezonui dar nesame pasiruose tokiam zingsniui, bendraukime ir turekime ta ideja galvoje.

Taip ir parasysiu estams, ok?

Aciu Ryti, uz iniciatyva. Nebuciau linkes kaltinti vusu musu uz neranguma ar paveluotai padarytus sprendimus. Kolegos is Estijos, su jiems budingu mentalitetu "truputi" pavelavo su pasiulymu, tad sprendimas tokiam delikaciame reikale kaip UTB, lieciantis ivaraus formato varzybas negali buti priimtas taip greitai. Kita vertus, jei pavyks per Hamfesta draugiskai susesti, aptarti, priimti kazkokius sprendimus ir pareiskti savo nuomone estams, jau kitam sezonui visai realu tureti rezultatus.
Dirbkime ta linkme...
73! op.Oleg LY3UE Vilnius KO24OP

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Užsiregistravo:2007-Rgs-09, 23:36

Standartinė ly4u » 2008-Bir-07, 02:08

Issiunciau laiska :


we had online discussion, also in meeting some VHF guys personally. In short the conclusion is we are not ready to change anything for this year yet.

But everybody at the same time agrees that idea should be developed further to accomodate both parties ES/LY and YLs should be involved too. We both have to get used to the idea, develop it seriously, and once decided stick with that format for many years. You know changing contest dates and rules is hazardous to popularity. No doubt after this year's contest we will renew a discussion on the rules again, so this time it will go with a future common contest in mind.

Sooo... the best way of course is personal meetings, I hope some of LYs will be visiting your Hamfest, me personally I will know exactly only few days before the event.

Ah, and congrats on great score in CQ WPX CW ES9C. From our part of Europe, wow!

Wishing all the best Arvo, to all ES friends and till next time,

73 Rytis LY4U

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Užsiregistravo:2007-Rgs-09, 23:36

Standartinė ly4u » 2008-Bir-13, 13:31

Gavau atsakyma

Nice to hear from you! Indeed, no one even presumed that this year any
changes could be applied, the idea was to initiate discussions and if we
come to some mutual agreement, perhaps we can try out something new in 2009?
We do not plan any changes to our VUSHF FD as well, so, in 2008 it will be
at the beginning of August as usually (Friday evening, 1.08 - 70cm contest,
Saturday (2.08.) morning the 23cm and in the evening the 2m contests, 6m on
Sunday...). Some future plans that we try to discuss at the workshop during
the summer camp are, that we could move the contest "back" to the weekend
only (and also try to move the weekend...), start with 70cm on Saturday
morning perhaps, 2m will be in the evening and 23cm+ microwaves on Sunday
morning. Unless we come to some common conclusions to change the format even
more. Let's see...


Arvo, ES2MC

Taigi, galesim atnaujint diskusija rudeni, o taip pat tarpusavy paieskot kompromisu Hamfest-2008 metu :)

73 Rytis LY4U

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